MAKÜ's academicians' TÜBİTAK 1001 Projects were accepted

Yayın Tarihi | 06 March 2025, Thursday

Three project applications prepared by our university's academics were found successful as a result of academic evaluation and qualified to receive support from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).


Within the scope of TÜBİTAK ‘1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program’ , the scientific evaluation processes of the projects proposed to the Research Support Programs Presidency (ARDEB) in the 2nd period of 2024 have been completed.


In this context, the project titled ‘The First Step for the National Genetic Monitoring Program: Genomic Monitoring of the Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar, Aves)’ by Prof. Dr. Tamer Albayrak, a faculty member of the Department of Biology at MAKÜ Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the project titled ‘Modular Thermoacoustic Cooler Powered by Concentrated Solar Radiation: Developing a Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Cooling Technology’ by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Çiçek, a faculty member of the Department of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and the project titled ‘Development of Probiotic-Based Oral Vaccine Candidates Expressing Eg-95 and Eg-P29 Antigens and IL-4 Cytokine Against Cystic Echinococcosis and Evaluation of the Effect of Immunization on Immune Parameters and Vaccine Efficacy in Balb/c Mice’ by Prof. Dr. Ramazan Adanır, a faculty member of the Department of Veterinary Parasitology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, were entitled to be supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program.